Friday, January 22, 2010

Fast Forward

The word generation-gap has become obsolete, since nowadays it doesn't take a generation's time to create a gap between people of differing ages. Maybe its because our culture has been put on
fast forward because of the rapid advance of technology or maybe its just me feeling like this, but the fact is that people having an age difference of as little as 10 years, even from the same social background, seem to have completely different takes on life. This might be particularly true for India which is undergoing a cultural revolution right now, in which people are finally becoming more liberal and open. In the past, it used to take years, even decades, to change the general view on even one little thing but today, its almost as if yesterday's mania is today's joke. I wonder when this accleration will end because if it doesn't, I may soon be a thing of the past.

P.S. The pic I've included is not really relevant to what I've written but it was just too funny to pass up.

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