Saturday, March 19, 2011


Life can get very weird sometimes - one moment you feel up in the clouds, the center of the party, the charismatic hero and just as suddenly, you're down in the dumps thinking if anyone in the world really cares.
It has been a frustrating week. I set out with goals that I wasn't entirely clear about myself and now I'm more confused than ever. Is fighting against the natural flow really worth it? Countless books and movies tell us that it is, that achieving your dream is what its all about.
But what happens when your dream keeps changing one day to the next? What if you never feel passionate about something strongly enough that you're willing to sacrifice your safe and boring future for it? What if you finally do manage to get a reason to dedicate yourself entirely and then fail spectacularly?
Questions that are inner demons for all of us. Lets just hope that we find answers to as many as possible.

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